Aspen Creek Heating & Air Blog

Within the pages of our Heating & Air blog you’ll find helpful articles and interesting insights about everything that’s related to HVAC Service.

Warm house in the winter

Would my home benefit from a heat pump?

This is a question our team are asked from time to time. If you haven’t considered the possibility of investing in a heat pump, the first thing to appreciate is how they work. The aim of a heat pump is to move warm air from one room to another, depending on the parts of your…
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Best HVAC company Denver

Explain radiant floor heating to me

This was a request recently made to one of our team; so we thought we’d also answer the query here. Radiant floor heating is installed below the floor and then warms the room from ground level upwards. This is different from central heating which works by heating the air in that room. This also means…
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Tankless waterheater by navien

Three potential water heater problems

If you have a tankless water system, there are some issues which might cause it to function less effectively than you’d want. These can include: The system becomes overloaded when too many taps are being used at exactly the same time – a definite possibility if your home is busier than usual during the holiday…
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Whole home humidifier installation

Are you going to have a dry holiday season?

For once, we’re not talking about alcohol consumption! Instead, we’re focusing on the fact that Colorado has a low humidity climate. This means that, even indoors, people can often suffer from both dry skin and sinus problems, as well as more serious respiratory conditions. One way to help alleviate such dryness is to add a…
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Nest thermostat installer Denver

Why programmable sart thermostats are such a terrific idea

As winter truly sets in, you and your family will be spending much more time indoors. This means that, around your house, different room or areas will be regularly in use; others only from time-to-time. The cost of heating a home through a Colorado winter is a key draw on the family budget. But how…
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Water Heater Maintenance

Is your water heater too noisy?

If you think that your water heater is making more noise than it used to, this can be one of the signs that it’s not performing as it should. Other obvious signals of a problem include a lack of sufficient hot water, the water that does come out being a bit hazy in its complexion,…
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High capacity furnace filter

How pure is the air in your lovely warm home?

As winter arrives in Colorado, we know that it’s great to be warm and snug inside your home. Outside the wild winds may blast and the snow may fall, but inside you can stay toasty warm. However, this can also mean that the air might turn a little musty, and that pet dander, dust and…
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New furnace installation

What exactly is a seasonal furnace startup service?

If you’re like most people who live in hot areas, you probably haven’t used your furnace all summer. However, as winter settles in, it’s time to have your heating system running again. But, before starting your furnace, it’s vital to schedule a seasonal startup service to perform a series of checks, depending on the heating…
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Tankless waterheater by navien

Do you prefer a tanked water heater?

If it’s time to replace your old water heater, then we know many people go for a new tankless model. However, others still like to stick to a tanked supply. Here are key reasons for this: It is easier to install than a tankless unit and at a lower initial outlay Tanked water systems are…
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New furnace installation

I can’t afford HVAC maintenance

This is a common problem we hear expressed. But ask yourself whether you can afford a new HVAC system when yours breaks down due to unresolved issues? Unfortunately, many homeowners assume getting yearly maintenance for their HVAC systems is a waste of time and money. But, HVAC maintenance can save you more money in the…
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AC installation Denver CO

How often should you get an HVAC tune-up?

Air conditioning tune-ups are vital as they prevent unexpected breakdowns and ensure your unit works efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately, most homeowners forgo HVAC tune-ups in a bid to save money. This only opens up their air conditioning units to severe problems that require more money to fix. Luckily, you can avoid this by getting an…
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Home thermostat installation

Are you in total HVAC control?

If you are not fully in control of your HVAC system, then dollars could be floating away in the air! Your energy usage – and therefore costs – could be higher than it needs to be. The answer for exerting more control comes in the form of a modern programmable thermostat. This allows you to…
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